Strawberry Banana Smoothie

A smoothie...With Strawberries & Banana

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

What Is Strawberry Banana Smoothie?

A strawberry banana smoothie is a blended beverage made primarily from strawberries, bananas, and a liquid base, which can include milk, yogurt, almond milk, or other dairy or non-dairy alternatives. It’s a popular choice for its sweet, fruity flavor and creamy texture. Smoothies like this one are often enjoyed as a healthy snack or breakfast option because they can be a convenient way to consume a variety of nutrients.

Ingredients For Strawberry Banana Smoothie


1 Cup Fresh or Frozen Strawberries

1 Ripe Banana



1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt

1/2 Cup Vanilla Almond Milk

Ice Cubes


1-2 Tbsp Honey

1 Scoop Whey Protein Powder

1/4 Cup Rolled Oats

1-2 Tbsp Peanut Butter

How To Make Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Step 1

Prep Produce



The stars of our smoothie are, without doubt, the strawberries and bananas. Preparing these fruits correctly not only maximizes their nutritional benefits but also enhances the smoothie’s taste.


Strawberries do more than add a refreshing taste and bright color to your smoothie. They’re packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that help boost your immune system and reduce inflammation.


Wash and hull approximately 1 cup of fresh strawberries. Cutting them into smaller pieces allows for easier blending and a smoother consistency.





Bananas are a smoothie staple for good reason. They add a creamy texture and natural sweetness, reducing the need for added sugars. Plus, they’re a good source of potassium, which is vital for heart health and muscle function.





Peel and slice one large ripe banana. The ripeness of the banana is key—the riper, the sweeter your smoothie will be.

Step 2

Blend Oats




Oats are not only for breakfast; they also make smoothies better. Adding oats to your smoothie not only makes it thicker, but also changes its texture to something more chewable. This can make your smoothie feel more filling.


Oats are full of nutrients. They have a lot of soluble fiber, especially beta-glucan, which helps lower cholesterol and is good for the heart. Oats also provide energy that lasts, keeping you full and energized for a longer time.




Begin with ½ cup of raw, rolled oats. This amount ensures your smoothie thickens without overtaking the other flavors.


Transfer the oats to your blender. Pulse at high speed for about 30 seconds or until the oats resemble a fine powder. This step is crucial for a smooth texture in the final smoothie.

Step 3

Combine Ingredients



Start by adding about 1 cup of ice cubes to the blender to ensure a cold and refreshing smoothie.



Begin with adding the bananas to the blender first. Bananas are a great base for smoothies due to their creamy texture and natural sweetness. They help create a smooth consistency and make it easier for the blender to process the ingredients smoothly. By starting with bananas, you’re setting the foundation for a rich and velvety smoothie experience.



Next, introduce the strawberries into the blender. Strawberries add a refreshing tang and a burst of vibrant color to your smoothie. They’re not only delicious but also packed with nutrients and antioxidants. Adding strawberries on top of the bananas ensures they blend well together, enhancing the overall flavor and nutritional value of your smoothie.



Following the fruits, add 2 tablespoons of peanut butter to the blender. Peanut butter is an excellent source of healthy fats, which are essential for a balanced diet. It brings a rich, nutty flavor to the smoothie, adding a depth that complements the sweetness of the bananas and the tanginess of the strawberries.


Beyond its taste, peanut butter also plays a crucial role in making your smoothie more satisfying. The healthy fats and protein content in peanut butter help keep you feeling full for longer, turning your smoothie into a more substantial and fulfilling meal or snack. This ingredient is key to both enhancing the smoothie’s flavor profile and boosting its nutritional value.




After incorporating the peanut butter, sweeten your smoothie by adding 1 tablespoon of honey. Honey is a natural sweetener that not only enriches the flavor of your smoothie but also brings its own set of health benefits, including antioxidants and a soothing effect on the throat.


The beauty of using honey is its versatility; you can adjust the amount based on how sweet your fruits are and your personal taste preferences. Some bananas and strawberries might be sweeter than others, so the honey allows you to customize the sweetness level of your smoothie to your liking. This step ensures that your smoothie has the perfect balance of flavors, tailored specifically to your taste.



Next, enhance your smoothie by adding ½ cup of vanilla yogurt. Vanilla yogurt not only introduces a creamy texture that makes your smoothie even more delightful but also provides a probiotic boost, supporting your digestive health. The subtle vanilla flavor works in harmony with the natural sweetness of the fruits and the richness of the peanut butter, adding another layer of complexity to the taste.


Incorporating vanilla yogurt is a smart way to make your smoothie more nutritious and satisfying, ensuring it’s not just a treat for your taste buds but also a beneficial component of your diet. This addition is particularly valuable for those looking to include more probiotics in their meals, as it effortlessly combines health benefits with delicious flavors.




Pour 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk into the mix. This addition serves two important roles in your smoothie. First, it provides the necessary liquid to blend all the ingredients smoothly, ensuring a desirable consistency. Second, the vanilla almond milk brings a mild vanilla flavor that perfectly complements the natural tastes of the strawberries and bananas, enhancing the overall flavor profile of your smoothie.


The use of unsweetened almond milk also contributes to keeping the smoothie healthier by minimizing added sugars. Its inclusion not only enriches the smoothie with a subtle nuttiness but also creates a harmonious blend of flavors, making your smoothie even more enjoyable.



After the almond milk, reintroduce the ground oats into the blender. This step not only thickens the smoothie, giving it a satisfyingly smooth texture, but also adds valuable fiber to your drink. The oats enhance the nutritional profile of your smoothie, making it more filling and beneficial for your digestive health. This addition ensures that your smoothie is not just delicious but also a wholesome choice for any time of the day.




Following the oats, add a scoop of whey protein to the blender. This step significantly boosts the protein content of your smoothie, making it an ideal post-workout refreshment or a filling meal replacement. Whey protein is known for its high-quality protein that supports muscle repair and growth. Incorporating it into your smoothie can help meet your daily protein needs and keep you satisfied for longer. This addition seamlessly integrates with the other ingredients, ensuring your smoothie is not only tasty but also packed with the nutrients needed to support your active lifestyle

Step 4




Blending your smoothie is the key step that transforms your array of ingredients into a creamy and enjoyable drink. This process is crucial for achieving the perfect texture and consistency that makes smoothies so appealing.


Here are some tips to ensure your smoothie blends perfectly: Begin by blending at a lower speed to gently mix all the ingredients, then gradually increase to high speed for a completely smooth texture. If your smoothie turns out too thick, you can thin it by adding a little more almond milk. Conversely, if it’s too thin, thicken it by adding extra ice cubes or a bit more oats to achieve the right consistency. For those blenders equipped with a tamper, use it to guide any stubborn ingredients down towards the blades for an even blend.


To finish, blend everything at high speed for 1-2 minutes, or until you reach the smoothness you prefer. The goal is to have a smoothie that’s completely smooth, without any chunks of fruit or bits of unblended oats, ensuring every sip is perfectly blended for maximum enjoyment.

Step 5

Enjoy Your Strawberry Banana Smoothie!


Strawberry Banana Smoothie


The final step is pouring the smoothie into a glass, showcasing its vibrant color and thick texture.



The Undoing

The Undoing

More About Strawberry Banana Smoothie

The origin of the strawberry banana smoothie, like many other culinary creations, is somewhat difficult to pinpoint precisely due to the evolution of recipes and blending practices over time. However, we can explore the history and popularization of smoothies in general to understand how the strawberry banana variant became a classic.


Smoothies, in their modern form, began to gain popularity in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s with the advent of blenders and the health food movement. The term “smoothie” was used to describe blended fruit drinks made with fresh fruit, ice, and sometimes dairy products or sweeteners. These beverages were praised for their health benefits, ease of preparation, and delicious taste.


The combination of strawberries and bananas specifically became popular for several reasons:

  1. Flavor Compatibility: Strawberries and bananas are two fruits whose flavors complement each other exceptionally well. The sweetness and slight acidity of strawberries balance the creamy, rich texture and sweetness of bananas, creating a smoothie that is both refreshing and satisfying.
  2. Availability: Both fruits are widely available in many parts of the world, making this smoothie a convenient option for many people.
  3. Nutritional Benefits: Both strawberries and bananas are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, making the strawberry banana smoothie a healthy choice for a meal replacement or snack.

While the exact origin of the first strawberry banana smoothie is unknown, it’s clear that this combination became popular as part of the broader smoothie and health food trend. Health food stores, juice bars, and later, mainstream cafes and restaurants began offering smoothies as a staple menu item, with strawberry banana emerging as a favorite flavor among consumers.


The ease of preparation and the ability to customize the ingredients further contributed to the popularity of smoothies. People could easily make them at home by blending fresh or frozen fruits with ice, yogurt, milk (dairy or non-dairy alternatives), and other additives like protein powders or sweeteners, allowing for endless variations, including the beloved strawberry banana smoothie.